Friday, May 15, 2009

Israel Is Just Wrong

The state of Israel is not being fair. They want support from the West, including millions of American dollars, but they are not willing to negotiate for a peace settlement. Yesterday, Prime Minister Netanyahu asked the Pope to speak out against the "hate speech" directed at Israel from Iran. But when the Pope mentioned the need for a Palestinian state so there might finally be peace in the Mid-East, Netanyahu refused to even consider it.

It is time that Israel understood they do not live on a one-way street. They cannot keep expecting money and support from Western countries, and then expect to keep the Palestinians as virtual prisoners with no rights in Gaza and the West Bank.

The Israelis have tried starving the Palestinians into submission, and they tried to force them to submit with military power. Neither has worked. Isn't it time they tried negotiating with Palestinian leaders the creation of a free and independent state? That is the only way to peace and a truly secure Israel.

I don't think the United States should abandon Israel. We should guarantee their existence. But we must also be fair and help the Palestinians create their own free country. Maybe it's time for the U.S. to cut off monetary aid, until Israel is ready to negotiate seriously.

The Palestinians deserve the same right to freedom and self-government that the Israeli's do.

1 comment:

  1. The following article might give you some background into the conflict:

    It is written by BBC which slants more Palestinian than Israeli (no, no one is neutral)but most of it is solid information.


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