Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Republicans Oppose Children's Rights

Back in 1989, the United Nations developed the Convention on the Rights of the Child. Since then, every nation belonging to the United Nations has signed it agreeing to protect children's rights except two nations -- Somalia and the United States.

Since the adoption of the Convention, the Republican Party has controlled enough of the U.S. Senate to block it's ratification by this country. I have to wonder just what the Republicans have against children having some basic rights. What horrible things are Republicans in favor of doing to children that every other nation (except Somalia) is willing to outlaw?

During the last campaign, Barack Obama said it was embarrassing that the United States has not signed the Convention. Now that the Democrats are in control of the Senate, the chances are good that the United States will finally join the rest of the world and ratify it.

But the right-wingers are still against children's rights. On Monday, the Republican-controlled Oklahoma House of Representatives passed Concurrent Resolution 1033 by a vote of 61 to 28. This resolution urges the United States Senate to reject ratification of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child.

It seems that conservative christian groups "claim that the Convention would prevent parents from disciplining their children, from forcing them to go to church and would stop them from preventing their daughters from having abortions." Evidently, these right-wingers are acting on rumor and a hatred of the United Nations, because the Convention would do nothing of the sort.

Maybe they should actually read the document. I saw nothing in it that would erode parental rights. In fact, a good deal of it is dedicated to strengthening parental rights. And in the last twenty years, none of the signatory countries has experienced any interference with parental rights.

Once again, we see the Republicans aren't interested in the truth. They're far too busy spreading rumors and lies and trying to keep people upset in an effort to hang on to power. Fortunately, people are beginning to see through their nonsense.

It's time for the United States to ratify and sign the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. The sooner the better.

1 comment:

  1. Once again, we see the Republicans aren't interested in the truth. They're far too busy spreading rumors and lies and trying to keep people upset in an effort to hang on to power.So does that mean you are a Republican, because you sure as heck don't care about the truth, either and you spread rumors and lies while fear mongering, too.

    Hypocrisy much?


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