Thursday, May 14, 2009

Who Do You Believe ?

There are two men who are saying the opposite things about the interrogation technique known popularly as waterboarding. Which one do you believe?

The first is a former government official. He's also a chickenhawk. He went out of his way to avoid serving in the military, but doesn't mind sending others to war to serve and die. His name is Dick Cheney.

The other is also a former government official. He also served his country bravely as a Navy SEAL during the Vietnam era. His name is Jesse Ventura.

Dick Cheney has never been waterboarded, but he has ordered the waterboarding of others. Jesse Ventura was waterboarded as a part of his Navy SEAL training.

Dick Cheney says waterboarding is not torture and is harmless to the person being waterboarded. Jesse Ventura says, "If it’s done wrong, you certainly could drown. You could swallow your tongue. You could do a whole bunch of stuff. If it’s it done wrong or — it’s torture. It’s torture."

Dick Cheney says waterboarding is a valuable tool for getting prisoners to tell the truth. Jesse Ventura says "I'll put it to you this way, you give me a waterboard, Dick Cheney and one hour, and I'll have him confess to the Sharon Tate murders."

Both of these men can't be telling the truth, because they are saying the opposite things. Who do you believe. Personally, I'll believe the war hero over the war criminal.

1 comment:

  1. I loved the part where Ventura said, if torture works, then why haven't we captured Bin Laden?

    Cheney keeps on harping on the fact that the U.S. hasn't been attacked after Sept. 11.
    Ventura went on to say that it's much easier for our enemies to attack U.S. troops in Iraq and Afghanistan.

    Either way, Bush and Cheney did a piss-poor job of protecting us on Sept. 11.


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