Friday, October 09, 2009

Naked Dancer In Dallas

There are definitely some strange (and sick) people in this world. For instance, consider this weirdo in Dallas. He seems to think others just can't wait to see his 6 foot pudgy body with "pasty white skin".

Dallas police say the unknown man (or should I say "sex offender") has been entering the backyards of other people and dancing naked. He either dances naked around the backyard or jumps naked into the pool. He did one of his dances on top of an air conditioner unit.

This nut has been doing this since 2005, and police want to catch him before he escalates his activity into a more serious type of sex crime.

The man keeps his face covered during his nocturnal dances, and the last time he struck was on September 30th of this year (about a week ago).

He needs to hope the police catch him soon. This is Texas, and a whole lot of people are armed. Not to mention the fact that you can shoot someone on your own property here for nearly any reason.

One of these days this jerk is going to get a butt-full of birdshot.

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