Thursday, March 11, 2010

Limbaugh: Brain-Dead, But Still Talking

Once again, right-wing radio commenter Rush Limbaugh has proven that brain activity is not a requirement for a person to keep talking. It can't be, because anyone with even a few functioning brain cells could plainly see the idiocy and hypocrisy of his latest pronouncements. He has to be either brain-dead or the biggest liar in the United States.

A couple of days ago, Limbaugh was ranting against the possibility of the Democrats actually passing their very limited version of health care reform. He railed against this "socialist" takeover of our broken health care system, and actually said if the reforms are passed by Congress that he would move to Costa Rica (which made millions of decent Americans very happy).

But then he realized what he had said, and evidently afraid that he might be forced to actually do what he said he'd do, he tried to pull his foot out of his mouth. Unfortunately for him, he only managed to plant the other foot there also. He told his audience that he didn't really mean he would move there -- only that he would go to Costa Rica for his medical care if the Democrats passed health care reform.

That statement is even stupider than his first one. Obviously he doesn't realize just what kind of healthcare system Costa Rica has. But then facts have never been very important when he is working his mouth. The truth is that the health care system is much more "socialist" in Costa Rica than anything the Democrats are proposing for this country. Consider the following facts about the Costa Rican health care system:

* Comprehensive universal health care coverage is provided for all citizens.
* Government owns several major public hospitals and operates small clinics in almost every community.
* Workers are required to contribute 15% of their salaries for health care coverage.
* The unemployed obtain public funding for all health services, including prescriptions.
* Most citizens obtain their health coverage through a public plan called CAJA, similar to Medicare in this country.

That sounds a lot more "socialist" than the timid reform being considered by Democrats. In fact, I wish to Democrats had the political courage to create a public option and provide universal health coverage to our citizens as the Costa Ricans have.

It simply makes no sense that Limbaugh would be willing to receive health care from a socialist system in Costa Rica, but would be unwilling to get care under the plan proposed by Democrats -- which leaves private insurance companies in charge of all health care and treatment decisions.

But then making sense has never been much of a concern for Limbaugh. He's filthy rich and can pay whatever is needed for his health care (and doesn't care at all that between 40 and 50 million Americans have no health coverage at all). He believes everything is fine as long as his rich buddies in private insurance companies can keep making their enormous profits.

(NOTE -- The World Health Organization ranks Costa Rica's health care system above the current system in the United States, and Costa Rica spends less per capita for their health care.)

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