Thursday, July 15, 2010

Big Surprise! - Cornyn Opposes Kagan

Senator John Cornyn (R-Texas), best known for protecting Americans against marriage to box turtles, says he has made a decision about Elena Kagan (who has been nominated for a seat on the United States Supreme Court). He has now announced that he will vote against approving Kagan's nomination.

Cornyn said he opposes Kagan because of her lack of experience as a judge. He was also upset because she wouldn't rule out overturning any recent Supreme Court decisions. He said that made him believe she wouldn't work within constitutional limits (which means she might make a decision he and his right-wing buddies wouldn't approve of).

Of course neither of these reasons were enough for him to oppose any of George Bush's nominations, even though the criticisms were just as valid for those nominations. Cornyn fully supported the Harriet Miers nomination and it didn't seem to bother him that she had no judicial experience. He also supported the nomination of John Roberts -- one of the most activist judges on the court.

These bogus reasons for not supporting Kagan's nomination are no real surprise, since Cornyn has always acted as a puppet and mouthpiece for right-wing dogma. We already knew Cornyn would not support Elena Kagan and why. In an extremely rare moment of honesty a couple of weeks ago Cornyn admitted that Republicans oppose Kagan's nomination "simply because President Obama nominated her."

I guess that moment of honesty was not approved of by his fellow right-wingers, because he is now back to spouting the same talking points as them.

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