Thursday, July 08, 2010

A Message from Peyton Gilbert

I am an avid and unashamed supporter of Hank Gilbert in his run for the office of Texas Agriculture Commissioner. I have noted that support on this blog (and will continue to do so) and given money to his campaign. This November I will proudly vote for him because I think he's a capable and honest man who will do a great job for this state.

Yesterday I received the following e-mail from Hank's son Peyton (that's him on the right in the picture above). I thought it was excellent so I decided to post it on this blog. Here is what he said:

Last Friday, incumbent Agriculture Commissioner Todd Staples' campaign sent out a press release attacking my dad's character and making fun of my parents' family business.

Even though I've read it several times, I still can't believe that Mr. Staples thought it was somehow appropriate to make fun of the environmental remediation and carpet cleaning business that my Mom and Dad run in addition to our cattle operation.

In school, I've heard teachers and students talk about politics being all about party and not about the real issues. I've always wanted to think that wasn't true. But, the more and more I look at Mr. Staples' press release I realize that his brand of politics is exactly why elected officials can't get anything done. Mr. Staples, like many career politicians, would rather demean his opponent with personal attacks than engage in a debate about the issues.

My dad has put his personal life and career out there for everyone to see, yet Mr. Staples refuses to be transparent about his actions, his campaign finances, and even the actions of the Texas Department of Agriculture. That's why Texans can't stand career politicians.

My dad's business is no different than millions of other small businesses operated by hardworking Texans across this state, and I can't believe Mr. Staples thinks it is okay to make fun of the way hardworking Texans make their living.

Will you join me in sending Mr. Staples the message that it isn't okay to make fun of how Texas families put food on the table?

Please help my dad's campaign with a contribution today.

Running a well-funded campaign is the only way Dad will be able to get out his message about real reform for the Texas Department of Agriculture to keep the food we eat safe and create new markets for the products of hardworking Texas farmers and ranchers.

Your Friend,

Peyton Gilbert

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