Wednesday, July 07, 2010

Name Change Is Needed For TRC

The Texas Railroad Commission (TRC) was originally created many years ago to keep the powerful railroads from gouging farmers and ranchers trying to get their products to market. But that is a purpose the commission hasn't served for a long time. In fact, the TRC hasn't had anything to do with railroads for years now.

It's a pretty safe bet that most Texans don't have a clue as to what the TRC does, and that probably explains why few voters pay any attention to the candidates running to be a TRC commissioner. That's a shame because the TRC does perform a valuable and necessary function for the citizens of Texas. It is the state agency that oversees all oil and natural gas production in the state.

If you are worried about air or water pollution due to the drilling for oil or gas, then the TRC is the agency you should be talking to. Many people believe the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) handles this -- but it's not true. They do handle other kinds of pollution, but only the TRC has a say about oil and gas production and the rules that must be followed when drilling for or shipping those products.

Since that is true it would seem to make sense that the TRC should undergo a name change -- a change that would let all Texans know what their function is and hopefully encourage voters to take TRC commissioner races more seriously. There has been a bill introduced in the last few legislatures to change the commission's name to the Texas Energy Commission, but none of the bills have even made it out of committee.

The two main candidates running for a position on the TRC this year have differing views on whether the commission's name should be changed. The Republican candidate, David Porter, opposes changing the name of the commission. He said he was concerned about the costs involved in changing the name (since it will cost about $100,000 for new signs, forms and publications).

I can understand the reluctance to incur the new costs at a time when the state is looking at a huge deficit in the next biennium. However, I believe the expenditure would be justified. It is extremely important that Texans understand how important this commission is and pay attention to who is running for a seat on it.

Democrat Jeff Weems, who is also running for the TRC this year, believes it is important to change the name. But he doesn't like the proposed name of Texas Energy Commission. He says, "It doesn't deal with solar. It doesn't deal with electricity. It doesn't deal with coal. It deals with oil and gas. It should be the Texas Oil and Gas Commission."

I have to agree. Why should we change one misleading name (Texas Railroad Commission) for another almost as misleading (Texas Energy Commission)? The only name that really makes sense is the Texas Oil and Gas Commission. That name clearly delineates the function of the commission.

Hopefully, the legislature will make this common-sense change when it meets again early next year.

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