Wednesday, September 15, 2010

More Teabagger Racism

There has been much written and discussed (including on this blog) about the rather overt racism being displayed by many of the teabaggers across the nation.   It is the rare teabagger rally that doesn't have some obviously racist signs (and sometimes even speeches).   Some of the leaders of the Republican movement have tried to deny the apparent racism of many of their members, but they have done little to eliminate it or control it.

When Glenn Beck had his little teabagger rally a couple of weeks ago, they outlawed signs among those attending the affair.   I think they knew it was the only way to make sure there were no racist signs (or misspelled signs).   This is all a product of the Republicans courting the racist vote after the civil rights laws of the 1960's were passed, and now it's coming home to roost.   After the election of an African-American president, they now are unable (or unwilling) to control the racists in their party -- and those racists are angry and open about their feelings.

Now there has been another example of the teabagger racism.   The group named Remember Us...We The People (a member of a national teabagger group -- Tea Party Patriots) entered a float in the Naches Sportsman Days parade (a small town near Yakima, Washington).   The float showed a man wearing an Obama mask, carrying a sign that said "Hey kids! Thanks for paying our debt" and a riding crop -- which he kept snapping at a teen pretending to pull the float (see picture).

Many who watched the parade were offended by the float, thinking it to be racist and dispespectful to the president.   The group's head, Kirk Groenig, denied it was racist.   But to me the picture speaks for itself.   The Lions Club organized the parade and their president, John Miles, said, "I think (Groenig) exceeded any good taste in his group's presentation."

Groenig seems proud of his racist float and its offensive message though.   He says he will try to enter it in another area parade to be held on September 25th.   I get the feeling he doesn't care if his group is viewed as racist or not.

As long as the teabaggers continue to allow this type of behavior, their protestations of not being racists are going to fall on deaf ears.   Their actions simply speak louder than their denials.

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