Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Single-Member Districts Still An Issue In Amarillo

There is a new citizens group in Amarillo, and they are planning to get enough signatures on a petition to bring back the issue of single-member districts for the election of city council candidates.   This group, Amarillo Citizens for Property Rights (ACPR), is unhappy about renovation plans for the downtown area.   They also oppose an ordinance that regulates business signs and plans for the revitalization of the downtown area.

I can understand why some business people might be upset at the sign ordinance, but I don't see that as unreasonable.   Most cities of any size (and Amarillo has nearly 200,000 residents) has a sign ordinance.   It just makes sense for a large city to control the number, size, and height of signs.   Without such an ordinance, Amarillo citizens and visitors would be subjected to an ugly and confusing urban landscape -- not a pleasing prospect in a growing city with plans to renovate its downtown area.

As for the downtown renovation, a quick trip downtown should convince any citizen that is something that's badly needed.   It would not only make the area look much better but it would revitalize the area -- bringing in new businesses and providing new customers for existing businesses (from both visitors and residents of the area).   Just look at how the revitalization of the downtown area in Fort Worth turned out to be a boon for both citizens and businesses.

I do get the feeling that the ACPR group may be composed of some fringe elements though.   They are accusing the city leadership of wanting to implement United Nations goals in renovating the downtown area.   The idea seems ludicrous when you consider the make-up of Amarillo's city leadership.   Amarillo is ruled by right-wing Republicans, and has been for quite a while.   The thought that they would want to impose anything proposed by the United Nations is beyond ridiculous.   It borders on insanity.

But the third goal of ACPR, the implementation of single-member districts for city elections, is something the citizens of Amarillo should embrace.   The current at-large system of electing city leaders is unfair and has resulted in nearly all of the leadership coming from one sector of the city -- the southwest sector.   This has resulted in that area of the city getting the lion's share of attention and funds.

There have been efforts in the past to go to single-member districts, but they have all failed.   City leaders have fought it tooth-and-nail.   They have no intention of sharing power with other areas of the city until they are forced to do so, because that might mean some of the money flooding into the southwest sector would be redirected to other areas of the city areas that badly need their fair share of city money and planning.

When Amarillo was a small prairie town the at-large districts were probably a good idea.   But that day has long passed.   Amarillo is a large and growing city, and what is good for one part of the city may not be good for the city as a whole.   All the citizens in all areas of the city need to have an equal voice in what happens in city government -- and that has not been true for quite a while now.

I may not support all the goals of the ACPR group, but I do hope they can revive the issue of single-member districts and finally get something done about it.

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