Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Those Anti-Science Republicans

A couple of years ago I wrote a post about people who still believe the Earth is flat.   I said at that time that no matter how far science progresses or how much proof is offered, there will always be a segment of the population that will hold on to the outdated beliefs that have been proven wrong.   That statement has once again been proven right by a conference to be held in South Bend (Indiana) this coming November 6th.   It seems there are still enough people in this country who believe that the Earth is the center of the universe (and the sun and planets revolve around the Earth) to hold a conference -- amazing.

But the anti-science crowd is not just made up of these nuts who believe in a flat Earth or geocentrism.   In fact, it has become quite popular among fundamentalists and right-wingers (and Republicans) to jump on the anti-science bandwagon.   One could even say that denying science has become a mainstream belief among the right-wingers who have taken over the Republican Party.

Two of the most popular beliefs among Republicans are creationism and the denial of man-made global climate change.   It's extremely hard to find a Republican politician these days who will admit to a belief in evolution.   In fact, many of the state Republican platforms, including the one here in Texas, call for teaching creationism in science classes.   The Republican Party and its politicians don't really care what science has proven -- only what its anti-science voter base believes.

Texas Governor Rick Perry stated the Republican's right-wing position very well when he said,   "I am a firm believer in Intelligent Design (creationism) as a matter of faith and intellect, and I believe it should be presented in schools alongside the theories of evolution."   There are many Republican politicians and office-holders who agree with Perry and would love to see their religion taught in school science classes.

Equally pernicious, and perhaps even more dangerous to the survival of life as we know it (and maybe life in general), is the anti-science denying of human-caused global climate change by Republicans.    I don't know whether this is because they don't accept what 97% of the world's scientists believe or they just don't want to upset their corporate buddies in the oil, gas and energy companies, but the reason doesn't really matter.   The effect is the same.

Just look at the Republicans running for the United States Senate this year.   There are 37 senate seats to be decided in the 2010 election.   Of all Republicans running for those 37 open senate seats, only ONE Republican accepts the science involving global climate change. That is Rep. Mike Castle of Delaware.   And Castle could lose to teabagger Christine O'Donnell in the Republican primary.   If he does then the Republican candidates for all the open senate seats would be climate change deniers!

For too long now the Republicans have been followers of Reagan's fatally-flawed "trickle down" theory of economics  -- to the point of causing serious damage to our economy.   Now they are nearly all jumping on the anti-science bandwagon to the detriment of our children's education and the world's environment -- both of which could be seriously damaged by the Republican policy positions.

It has become clear that truth and rational thinking have no place in the policy decisions of Republican politicians.


  1. Junk food faith for a fat head nation

    The US a nation overwhelmingly god-fearing overwhelmingly rejects science. Millions lack intelligence sufficiently educated and critical to reject the unctuous Fundie Fare they stuff into their brains.

    True believers across the US demand that scientific knowledge should be dictated by some ideology rooted in 17th century Protestantism, or 13th century Catholicism, or 12th century Islam.

    For these 21st century iPad consumers and Twitter users, technology is Cargo Cult -- magic devices created by the ancestors and delivered by ghosts to an Apple Store.

    As consolation, the US is the grossest outlier among developed nations in its affinity for religious enthusiasms and in its failure to accept now elementary basic truths like evolution via natural selection*.

    Consumption of junk food faith leads directly to intellectual blockage, gastric self-righteousness, and odious ego inflation.

    Surely fundie prayers have been answered: Super size me Jesus!

    the anti_supernaturalist

    *Note: Live Science web site shows that Turkey is the only country out of 34 listed whose anti-evolution ideology is as ingrained as in the US. http://www.livescience.com Search term: chart acceptance evolution


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