Friday, October 22, 2010

Panhandle Newspaper Endorses Radnofsky

It looks like not every Panhandle newspaper has gone brain-dead when it comes to the race for Texas Attorney General.   The Canadian Record has endorsed the Democratic candidate -- Barbara Ann Radnofsky (pictured).   Here is some of what the newspaper had to say in their endorsement:

"TEXANS HAVE ONE SIMPLE choice to make on November 2: whether they want to elect an attorney who will protect the public’s interests or re-elect one who has consistently opted to protect the interests of his wealthy donors —sometimes at great cost and potential hazard to the citizens of this state.

In her campaign for Texas Attorney General, Barbara Ann Radnofsky has demonstrated not only her wonkish legal brilliance but her willingness to fight for the people’s interests, her remarkable ability to wage that battle tirelessly and effectively and her dedication to reforming the Attorney General’s office should she win. Given the current political atmosphere in Texas, a victory is unlikely, but the quixotic quality of her campaign has in no way affected Radnofsky’s single-minded commitment to the task.    

In a series of reports released to the public, Radnofsky has methodically exposed Attorney General Greg Abbott’s failure to protect the people’s interests and his troubling tendency to squander the considerable resources of his office on high-profile lawsuits that are both wrong-headed and unwinnable.

Radnofsky has also laid bare the possible monetary motivation behind many of Abbott’s failures, revealing a list of Abbott’s donors whose generous contributions have been amply repaid by his office’s intervention on their behalf—not ours.

This summer, Radnofsky authored an $18 billion lawsuit—accompanied by her free offer to litigate the suit—alleging negligence and fraud against Goldman Sachs and other Wall Street firms. She delivered to Attorney General Abbott, who did not act—perhaps because he has accepted more than $2 million in contributions from Wall Street firms. Radnofsky called on Abbott to return his tainted campaign money and promised, should she be elected, to fight Wall Street to recover billions of dollars lost by Texas and Texans to Wall Street fraud.

In her quest for the Attorney General’s office, Radnofsky has brought to light numerous other missteps by Abbott, including his failure to advise the state against its misuse of $3.2 billion in federal stimulus funds specifically targeted for education and his miscalculation of child support payments resulting, among other errors, his failure to collect more than $9 billion in delinquent child support.

The hard work Barbara Ann Radnofsky has done in shedding light on Attorney General Greg Abbot’s office not only reveals a record that deserves greater scrutiny, but offers voters a fine example of her dedication to fighting for the public interest with intelligence, integrity and dogged determination.

We urge you to cast your ballot for the Democratic candidate for Texas Attorney General, Barbara Ann Radnofsky."

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