Sunday, October 24, 2010

Teabagger License Plates For Texas ?

Evidently there are people who think Texas hasn't been humiliated enough already by its State Board of Education and its state Republican leadership.   Someone has suggested the state needs official teabagger license plates (see above).

These aren't official yet, but the Texas Department of Motor Vehicles (TDMV) is considering selling them as speciality plates.   I searched their website but couldn't find anything that tells where the extra money will go that is spent on these plates.   For some specialty plates the state gets all the money, while others have much of the money going to a charity, school or other organization.

It brings up the question of whether we want the state to support specific political ideologies (especially nutty ones like this).   I realize the state is scrambling to get new funds any way they can, but these ugly things are downright offensive.   And I would have a real problem if the plates will be funding any teabagger organizations or activities.   The state should remain neutral on political views and organizations.

The TDMV is currently asking the people of Texas to vote on whether to accept these new plates or not over at their website.   Go on over and give them your opinion.   They should be taking votes for a few more days.

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