Friday, November 05, 2010

A Fitting Analogy

Last Tuesday, the American people turned the recession-riddled economy back over to the same people that caused the recession in the first place -- the Republican Party, with their voodoo "trickle-down" policies.   It's like the people think if you give the fox the keys to the henhouse then he won't eat anymore chickens.

I am personally shocked at the short memory span the American public is demonstrating.   A huge majority of the voters said the most important issue was jobs, but they still put the party that cost America all those millions of jobs back into power (and it's also the party that continues to support the outsourcing of American jobs).

One of my blogging friends, tnlib at Parsley's Pics, came up with a beautiful (and very true) analogy of what has happened.   Here it is (and I urge you to go over and read her whole post):

"About two decades ago Lisa the Loon hired a big shot, smooth talking stock broker to manage all her assets. She lived high on the hog until she discovered that her broker had mismanaged all her investments. Overnight her portfolio dwindled to minus zero. Undaunted, she fired the hot shot and hired a sharp young man to help rebuild her depleted assets. But two years later she fired the bright young man because he hadn’t brought about enough change fast enough. So, what did Lisa the Loon do? She rehired the big shot, smooth talking stock broker who brought her to ruin in the first place.

Isn't this just what happened in this election? Puzzling, isn't it?"

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