Saturday, March 12, 2011

Time For A Boycott

The teabagger governor of Wisconsin, Scott Walker, thinks he has won the battle to destroy collective bargaining for state employees while giving corporations huge tax cuts (and cutting state education funds). He got the collective bargaining removal bill through with a little political trickery and has signed it. Now he will continue his war on Wisconsinites.

But this battle is not over. Recall efforts have been started against about 8 of the Republican senators who conspired with Walker against the people of Wisconsin. It looks like the efforts will get the required number of signatures, and with the people of Wisconsin being so upset, some of those senators may be defeated. It will only take three of them getting defeated to flip the senate back to Democratic control -- and stop Walker's war on working people.

Meanwhile it is time for the rest of America to join in this fight. We can do that by boycotting the products of the huge corporations who donated to Walker's campaign. Those biggest donors are:

Koch Industries..........$43,000
Johnsonville Foods..........$40,250
Hy Cite Corp..........$29,900
Wausau Homes..........$25,000
Standard Process Laboratories..........$25,000
Wausau Paper..........$18,500
Briggs & Stratton..........$18,235

I will not be buying from any of these corporations, or buying any products they make. I urge you to do the same. You can go to this website and click on the company name to find out about their products.

It is especially important to boycott Koch Industries. Not only are they the biggest contributors to Walker, but they have funded many ultra-right organization such as Americans for Prosperity. They have also funded much of the teabagger movement (which never was a grassroots movement, but a top-down movement funded by corporate America). Here are some products made by Koch Industries:

Toilet paper: Quilted Northern, Angel Soft
Paper towels: Brawny, Sparkle, Mardi Gras
Paper napkins: Vanity Fair, Mardi Gras, Dixie
Paper plates/bowls: Vanity Fair, Dixie
Paper cups: Dixie
Invista Products-
Dacron, AntronCordura, Lycra, CoolmaxSolarmaxTactelPolarguardStainmasterComforel,Thermolite


  1. The thing I wonder about with the Koch brothers is how much of their money is even made from these products. My guess is that the overwhelming majority of their income comes from their investments and has little to do with the products their company sells. I certainly agree that not buying these products is the least we can do, but I wonder whether they'll even feel it.

  2. they don't even care enough to try and keep it a secret that it's all done for the money.

  3. We are fighting, not only great wealth and a fait accompli, but also the lassitude that has swept this country in the last couple of decades, an unwillingn¬ess to share in the political institutio¬ns or to even bother to learn about the situation. We have stagnated and it is time to fight back with the only tools we have: our enthusiasm and our votes.


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