Wednesday, June 08, 2011

The Brutal Honesty Of School Children

Most people think schools should teach our children to think for themselves and to be honest, and I agree with that. But some parents and local leaders in Arkansas don't like the result they got by doing that. It seems the middle schoolers in Russellville, Arkansas were allowed to put a blurb in their yearbook naming their choices for the 5 worst people of all time, and some people don't like the choices they made.

These middle schoolers chose a couple of Americans to include in the top five -- and they were Americans that many of their own parents had voted for. It has caused such a furor that the school administration put some black tape over the list before passing out the books. here are the people chosen as worst people of all time:

1. Adolph Hitler
2. Osama bin Laden
3. Charles Manson
4. George W. Bush
5. Dick Cheney

Chris Cloud, both a school board member and father of a middle schooler, is furious. He said, "My problem is the tape can be removed easily. I'm furious as a parent and as a board member and as a taxpayer and as a resident of Russellville. It's wrong."

Judging by Cloud's reaction, I'm thinking that some teacher is about to be fired. How dare he/she allow the little buggers to actually think and act for themselves without censorship!

Personally I think the kids pretty well nailed the list. I would have put Cheney at #4 and Bush at #5, but why be picky. Whatever order you put them in, those are five pretty bad people.

1 comment:

  1. My view of anyone in Arkansas, especially kids , has just been elevated by these middle schoolers.


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