Monday, June 13, 2011

GOP Thinks Corporations Shouldn't Pay Taxes - You Should

As you can see from the chart above, the average taxes that corporations pay have been dropping every year. Currently they are lower than they've been for many years (including during the presidential administrations of Ronal Reagan, and George Bush). But that is not good enough for the Republicans.

The Republicans in Congress have proposed (and voted for) further reductions in corporate taxes (even though many corporations like Exxon and Bank of America already pay no taxes at all). Not reductions in taxes for ordinary hurting Americans, but only for corporations (who are recording massive and record-breaking profits). They want to reduce those taxes from its current level to only 25%, and they would pay for these reduced corporate taxes by abolishing Medicare and slashing social programs that help already hurting Americans.

And most of the Republican presidential candidates are on board with these ridiculous corporate tax cuts -- even though our nation clearly has a revenue problem, not a tax problem. Tim Pawlenty would lower the corporate tax rate to 15% and Michele Bachmann would lower the tax rate to only 9% -- which is even lower than many working and middle class people are paying. And she wants to raise taxes for everyone else -- even the poor and minimum-wage workers, saying everyone should pay something. What could be more hard-hearted and mean-spirited than that?

Their excuse for wanting to lower taxes for corporations is to create jobs. That would be wonderful if it worked, but it doesn't (and never has). Several studies, including one by the Congressional Budget Office, shows that lowering taxes does nothing to create jobs. And there's no logical reason why it should. Why would any corporation (or other business) hire a worker they do not need (no matter how low their taxes are)? That would just cut needlessly into profits (and no businessman would do that).

The fact is that corporations are already rolling in and awash with money. Has it resulted in job creation? No. Has it even resulted in higher wages for workers? No, unless you consider CEOs to be workers (because they are the only ones getting any raises).

The Republican economic policy has not worked in the past -- in fact, it brought on both the Great Depression and the Great Recession -- and it won't work in the future.


  1. The worker pays all tax. It dont matter where the government steals it from.

  2. Explain that confused and meaningless statement, Nonny.

  3. Corporate taxes are passed to the consumer. We already pay the second highest corporate tax in the world.

    So your genius thinking not only hurts the poor the most when buying gas or paying electricity it also drives business and jobs over seas. Job loss and more tax on the poor brilliant plan fits perfectly with your racists desire to have the poor in little controlled areas exchanging votes for government handouts.

  4. Nonny-
    I see you have swallowed the corporate lies hook, line, and sinker. Operating costs are passed on to the consumer through the price of a service or product, but taxes are not an operating expense. They are a part of the pure profit and there is no reason why they would push up prices (because a competitor would then undercut the price and steal the business).

    And what does wanting corporations to pay taxes have to do with racism? You make no sense.

  5. but taxes are not an operating expense.

    They are an expense along with regulation. All passed to the consumer. A competitor paying those say taxes is going to undercut? yeah right. And I notice no comment on the way jobs are pouring overseas. Or why.

  6. The racism comes from taxing the poor for the things needed to survive. Food, shelter, fuel, electricity, phones. All products of big corps that you want to endlesly raise tax on. Endless tax that the consumer and the poor consumer pay.

    You obviously no nothing about the huge scam that is tax. I think it obviously you dont work for a living.

  7. 1. Not all expenses are passed on to the consumer. The idea that they are is a corporate lie (to fool people into letting them not pay taxes). If you are making a good profit, which you must be doing to pay much in taxes, then it would be stupid to raise prices -- because your competitors could undercut you by just leaving their prices the same (and steal your profits). That's just business sense.
    2. Poor people are not a race, but an economic demographic. The poor are made up of all races. That is why taxing poor people may not make sense, but has nothing to do with racism. Look up the word in a dictionary.

  8. Let me ask it another way, where does every single cent a business have come from? Including tax taken by the government?

  9. Using your logic, it is businesses and corporations that pay all taxes for workers since that is where all their money comes from.

  10. Using your logic, it is businesses and corporations that pay all taxes for workers since that is where all their money comes from.

    No, thats just the hidden disguised tax. They take plenty from the individual stright out too. Sales tax, property tax, licence fees, tolls, the list is endless. Even the hospitals pay millions in taxes. What does that do to the cost of helth care? No one should be taxed to have a roof over their heads,(excluding mega mantions) or to eat or for any of the essentials to life.


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