Sunday, June 19, 2011

Romney Flip-Flops Again - Loses In Straw Poll

There have been accusations of politicians in both parties being flip-floppers (changing their position on a issue to get votes), but Mitt Romney may well be the king of all the flip-floppers. In an effort to appeal to the right-wing teabaggers currently controlling the Republican Party, Mitt has changed his position on a number of issues -- like gun control, abortion, gay rights, and immigration. Now he has done it again.

After asking for and accepting disaster relief from the federal government (in 2004, 2005, 2006, and 2007), Romney has now decided that FEMA shouldn't be helping disaster victims like those in the Memphis floods or the Alabama & Missouri tornadoes. He says it's "immoral" for the federal government to increase the national debt by helping disaster victims. He obviously doesn't realize how hypocritical he looks to accept these funds for his own state as governor, but oppose them for people in other states when he needs right-wing votes to become president.

The truth is that this country has always had a national debt. It was millions of dollars in debt when George Washington took office and has remained in debt ever since then. While the current debt is fairly large, it has been larger in the past (as a percentage of GDP). And if Romney and his Republican cohorts were serious about cutting that debt, all they have to do to make a great start on it is eliminate the Bush tax cuts, the corporate subsidies, and the tax credits for exporting American jobs.

But Romney and his party of NO don't want to do that. They don't want to make their rich buddies pay their fair share of taxes. They would rather cut programs that help hurting Americans -- including programs like FEMA that help the victims of natural disasters. Frankly, that's worse than just flip-flopping. That's just downright mean!


Meanwhile, the Republican Leadership Council (RLC) meeting in New Orleans had a straw poll, and Romney did not do well in it. He finished a very poor fifth place. I'm sure his campaign will claim that was because he didn't attend the affair, but Huntsman didn't attend it either and he finished a very respectable second. I think it's just further evidence that Romney is not nearly as strong a candidate as many expected him to be (especially since he won this straw poll a year ago). Here are the numbers for the RLC straw poll (in raw votes -- not percentages):

Ron Paul...............612
Jon Huntsman...............382
Michele Bachmann...............191
Herman Cain...............104
Mitt Romney...............74
Newt Gingrich...............69
Sarah Palin...............41
Rick Santorum...............30
Tim Pawlenty...............18
Gary Johnson...............10
Buddy Roemer...............9
Thaddeus McCotter...............2

1 comment:

  1. I have no idea who Thaddeus McCotter is, but I think we are long overdue for a President Thaddeus...


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