Friday, July 01, 2011

Gingrich Has Lost His Damn Mind !

I'm beginning to see why Newt Gingrich's political employees are running for the hills. The man has obviously lost his mind. Either that or he's living in an alternate universe. His latest pronouncement of how he's going to beat President Obama in 2012 makes that very clear.

Gingrich told a crowd of Maryland Republicans (white Republicans, of course) that President Obama has been the "food stamp president" and he himself would be the "jobs president", and that would mean minority voters, especially African-Americans, are ready to vote for him instead of Obama. That's right, he thinks African-American voters will abandon the president to vote for a Southern white Republican who has done nothing for them in his entire political career!

He seems to be overlooking a few facts:

1. A majority of African-Americans have not voted for a Republican for president in many decades (and it is highly unlikely they would change that to vote for a white Southern teabagger).

2. African-Americans are not stupid. Like the majority of Americans they know this recession was not created by President Obama, but by George Bush and the Republicans. While many are not happy with Obama's economic performance (he's given in to Republicans far too much), poll after poll shows they still blame Bush and the Republicans more for the current economic disaster.

3. The Republicans, including Newt Gingrich, have no solution to create new jobs in this country. The only solution they offer is to cut taxes for the richest Americans (and the corporations) even more. This won't create jobs, but it will just fatten the already overflowing bank accounts of the rich.

4. Newt can't even win among Republicans. How is he going to appeal to independents or Democrats (which most African-Americans are)? Gingrich has the highest unfavorable rating of all the Republican candidates in his own party.

I think it's time to send for the men in the white coats. Gingrich is clearly delusional.

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