Thursday, November 03, 2011

Occupy Amarillo Schedules Second Protest

The picture above shows people gathering before the first Occupy Amarillo protest (held to show solidarity with the Occupy Wall Street movement). A better than expected crowd of between 70 and 80 people showed up at Ellwood Park and marched down to the Chase Tower Building -- and many people along the route showed their approval of the marchers and what they stood for.

Now the Occupy Amarillo folks have scheduled a second event. On Saturday (November 5th) at 1:00pm they will gather in front of City Hall in downtown Amarillo. This time they are taking part in a worldwide protest against the giant banks on what has been dubbed "Bank Transfer Day" -- an effort to get people to take their money out of the giant Wall Street banks and put it in local banks or credit unions.

As Occupy Amarillo member Jami says, "We're trying to protest the entire corrupt system by starting with where we feel it started. That is why people are on Wall Street protesting instead of in front of the capitol in D.C. protesting because it's not just about the government and their shady politics, it's about the people who are feeding the shady politics lots and lots of money."

That is very true. Politics in Washington (D.C.) has gotten off track because of the tons of money being poured in by the Wall Street banks and giant corporations who have, in effect, bought the government -- so that it works for them and not the people of this country. Until the corporate and special interest money is taken out of politics nothing can or will be done to help hurting Americans, create jobs, or fix the broken economy.

I urge everyone who can to attend the rally on November 5th. Nothing can be changed until we stand together and show the politicians and rich corporations that the people as a whole are demanding that change.

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