Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Democrats Consistently Outperform Republicans

The other day the fool pictured above, Allen West of Florida, made the ridiculous statement that at least 80 of the Democrats in the House of Representatives were communists -- with the inference being that they were traitors who were trying to destroy their own country. The Republican rhetoric has been very divisive for a while now, but this statement was way over the line of common decency.

And it has provoked a reply from the Conceptual Guerilla over at Daily Kos. But instead of making false accusations, he just throws out some facts -- facts that clearly show which party has been the most effective in governing the United States (the "communist" Democrats or the "patriotic" Republicans). Here they are:


Communist Truman left 2.5 percent unemployment to Eisenhower.

Republican Patriot Eisenhower left recession and 6.5 percent unemployment to Kennedy.

Communist Johnson left 3.5 percent unemployment to Nixon.

Republican Patriot Ford left recession and 7.5 unemployment to Jimmy Carter.

Communist Carter wasn't able to improve much on the recession he inherited . . 

. . . and neither were Republican Patriots Reagan and Bush, who left recession and 7.2 unemployment to Bill Clinton.

Communist Bill Clinton left 4.2 percent unemployment to Dubya . . .

Republican Patriot Dubya left recession and 7.6 percent unemployment to Communist Barack Obama.


Communist Kennedy/Johnson.  4.8 % average annual GDP Growth.

Communist Truman.                    3.8%

Communist Clinton.                   3.7%

Republican Patriot Reagan        3.4%

Communist Carter                 3.3%

Republican Patriot Eisenhower    2.9%

Republican Patriot Nixon/Ford    2.8%

Republican Patriot GW Bush    2.2%

Republican Patriot GHW Bush     2.1%


Republican Patriot Herbert Hoover  -90% Thats MINUS 90%.  The Dow lost 9/10ths of it's value at the end of the Gilded Age.

Communists FDR/TRuman +525%  From 41 to 290.

Republican Patriot Eisenhower  +120% From 290 to 630.

Communists Kennedy/Johnson  +51%  From 630 to 950

Republican Patriots Nixon/Ford  +2%  From 950 to 970

Communist Carter                       +3% From 970 to 1000

Republican Patriots Reagan/Bush +244% From 1000 to 2440

Communist Clinton                +264% From 2440 to 9880

Republican Patriot GW Bush -25% From 9880 to 7600

Communist Barack Obama  +68% From 7600 to 12800 yesterday.

It looks to me like the Democrats have consistently done a better job with the American economy, while the Republicans have lagged behind (not to mention being the cause of both the Great Depression and the Great Recession). It's time the American people realized this and made sure the Republicans don't get back into the White House for a very long time.

1 comment:

  1. You are right. The Democrats continually outperform the republicans. Reagan is the best they have and he is only number five.


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