Friday, April 20, 2012

Komen Still Hurting From Its Political Blunder

Last year, the Susan G. Komen Foundation revealed their true colors. They showed their ultra-right-wing politics by cutting off their grant funding for Planned Parenthood -- a move that went against their own charter by cutting hundreds of thousands of women off from receiving breast cancer screenings. They quickly reversed their position and said they would again consider Planned Parenthood for future grants (but refused to say those grants would actually be approved). However, the damage to their once-respected brand was done.

And it looks like they still haven't recovered from the self-inflicted damage. A few days ago (on April 15), their annual Race for the Cure was held in Fort Worth. Participation in the race was down by 23% -- and the fundraising was down by 21%. This is pretty much in line with what has been happening across the nation in these races. Participation has dropped by about 30%.

The question now is whether they can ever restore the trust they once had. Now that we know their right-wing political bent, how can we ever be sure they won't do something similar in the future -- just in a sneakier and more underhanded way?

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