Friday, April 20, 2012

Obama Puts His Foot Down

Last August the Republicans and Democrats came to an agreement about funding the fiscal year that will start next September. They agreed on across-the-board-cuts and a ceiling on spending at $1.047 trillion. Both parties said this is what would happen if the "super committee" appointed to find a solution to funding problems could not agree -- and that committee failed miserably.

President Obama (and congressional Democrats) know the cuts agreed to will be painful, but they are willing to keep their word and abide by the agreement. The Republicans, however, are not willing to do that. Evidently, giving their word and making an agreement means nothing to them. They broke their promise by passing the Ryan Budget Plan and say they want even deeper cuts to social programs, environmental programs, and education.

They claim the deeper cuts are needed to lower the deficit, but that is nothing more than political rhetoric. While they make deeper cuts to programs that help hurting Americans, they want to increase the military budget (even though Pentagon leaders say an increase is not needed) and want to give the rich (and corporations) more massive tax breaks. Their program, after the increased military spending and massive tax breaks for the rich are figured in, would actually increase the deficit rather than lower it.

Fortunately, President Obama is refusing to go along with the Republican insanity. He reiterated last Wednesday that he would veto any budget plan that violated the agreement reached last August. And he went even further. He indicated a willingness to shut down the government in September rather than give in to the ridiculous Republican proposals.

I'm liking this new tough President Obama a whole lot. In the first year or two of his administration, he gave in to the Republicans far too much. That's not happening now. I believe he will follow through on his threat to force the Republicans to keep their word and honor the agreement reached last year.

This puts the Republicans in a difficult position. They can continue on their present course and force a government shutdown, but if they do, it is very likely that the public will blame them for it -- and this will be happening just weeks before the national election. With the American public already unhappy about their war on women, their defeat of higher taxes for millionaires and above, and their plan to abolish Medicare, shutting down the government could well be the final nail in their electoral coffin.

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