Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Defeat Ryan Twice In November

You probably know by now that Willard Mitt Romney (aka Wall Street Willie) picked Rep. Paul Ryan to be his vice-presidential running mate for the November election. It's kind of a scary thought that someone with as hard-hearted and mean-spirited economic policy as Ryan could wind up just a heartbeat away from being president, but fortunately, I believe the president will be able to take care of that by winning a second term.

What you may not know is that Ryan is actually running for two elective offices. In addition to running for vice-president, he is also running for re-election to his current seat in the House of Representatives. The election law allows him to do this, and even if he is defeated in his bid to be vice-president, we may still have to put up with his obstructionism and mean-spirited policies if he is re-elected in his Wisconsin congressional district.

But the man pictured above is trying to prevent that from happening. His name is Rob Zerban, and he is the progressive Democrat who is running against Ryan in the 1st Congressional District in Wisconsin. Zerban is a successful small businessman, and also served on the Kenosha County Board of Supervisors.

Zerban has pledged to protect the rights of all Americans -- including women and LGBT individuals. He will also protect Medicare and Social Security, and he knows that it is consumers that create jobs -- not rich people. He would be a million times better in Congress than Paul Ryan.

The best thing progressives could do for America in the coming election would be to hand Paul Ryan TWO defeats. If you have $3 or more you can spare, it would be well spent helping Rob Zerban defeat Ryan in Wisconsin. You can donate by going to this website.

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