Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Income Growth Rate

Here is one more very revealing chart showing the difference between Republicans and Democrats. It shows the income growth among the bottom 95% of the American public since 1948. We already know that the top 5% does well no matter who is in the White House, and does exceptionally well under Republicans, but this chart shows us how the other 95% have fared under Republican and Democratic administrations.

Note that under Democratic administrations, the growth rate has been pretty evenly spread throughout all levels of society (meaning everyone shared pretty equally in the country's growth in productivity). The same cannot be said of Republicans. Note that people on the lower end of the wage scale have benefitted the least under Republican administrations, and the more money a person made, the more they were benefitted by the Republican policies.

This should surprise no one. The Republican Party has always cared more for the rich, and they still do. They want to cut funding for almost everything that helps the bottom 95% of Americans (especially the poor and working class Americans), while raising taxes on the middle class -- and they want to do this so they can give the top 5% (and especially the top 1%) massive new tax cuts.

I can easily see why someone in the top 5% would want to vote Republican (simple greed), but I fail to understand why anyone in the bottom 95% would want to vote for them. It would be sort of like gay chickens voting for the owner of Chick-fil-A.

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