Tuesday, August 14, 2012

No Benevolence In GOP Policy

Far too many Americans these days have let the right-wingers and the capitalists poison their minds against the unions. They have forgotten the six-seven day work weeks, the unsafe working conditions, the poverty wages without any benefits, the children slaving away in mines and mills, the 12-15 hour workdays, the lack of overtime pay or vacations or paid sick days, etc.

I guess they think the capitalists provided all of these things just out of the goodness of their hearts. But the truth is that "benevolence" is not a word in the capitalist dictionary. We have all of the above things because our brave ancestors fought and died to establish unions -- and many more died in union strikes. The capitalists fought all of these things tooth-and-nail, using the police and hiring their own vicious thugs. The capitalists finally capitulated only because they were forced to do so by the people.

And once the union movement was firmly established in the United States, it began to grow a middle class -- giving all Americans the hope they could better themselves and provide a better future for their children. This was a good thing that had a beneficial effect throughout our society -- and it was also good for the capitalists, giving them many new purchasers for their goods and services.

Now the Republicans want to destroy everything that has been accomplished. Through de-regulation and tax cuts for the rich, they have once again tilted the odds to favor the rich (instead of a more equitable distribution of wealth. Their policies have resulted in the largest gap in wealth and income between the rich and the rest of America since before the Great Depression, a new Great Recession costing America millions of decent-paying jobs, the outsourcing of even more American jobs, a 30-year suppression of wage growth (except for the rich), a shrinking of the middle class, a growing poverty rate, and severe cuts to public education.

Now they want to go further and give the rich huge new tax cuts, give corporations a free ride with no taxes at all, abolish Medicare and privatize of Social Security, destroy unions, make huge cuts to the social programs helping the millions of hurting Americans, abolish the minimum wage, abolish the EPA, abolish health care reform, and increase the funding for the already bloated military budget. They say this is all necessary to cut the budget deficit, but that is a lie since any money saved will be funneled to the rich and the corporation. Their plan (the Ryan plan) will actually balloon the budget deficit.

That is what the Ryan/Romney ticket wants to do. Their policies were already shown to be a massive failure in the Bush administration, but they don't care about that. They care only for the rich -- and care nothing for the middle class, the poor, the elderly, or the children of this country. A vote for Ryan/Romney in the coming election is a vote to destroy the American economy.

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