Saturday, November 24, 2012

Name Change For Our Southern Neighbor ?

What would you say if you were asked to name the country on our southern border (the nation pictured in the graphic above)? I think most people would say "Mexico", but if that is your answer then you would be wrong. That is what the country is commonly called by people all over the world and even by most of its own citizens, but that is not its official name.

The official name for our friend to the south is Estados Unidos Mexicanos (which translates in English to United Mexican States). That has been its name since 1821, when the country gained its independence from Spain. That is the name used in diplomatic protocol and on official government documents. But that is about the only place that name is used. As I said, even most citizens of the country refer to it simply as Mexico.

Outgoing president, Felipe Calderon, thinks it is time the country change its name. And as one of his last acts before leaving office, he introduced a bill in the legislature that would change the name from United Mexican States to Mexico.  Calderon said, "Mexico does not need a name that emulates another country and that none of us Mexicans use every day. Mexico is the name that corresponds to the essence of our nation. Pardon the expression, but the name of Mexico is Mexico."

He does have a point. When Mexico first adopted its official name, it was to emulate the United States. But a lot of water has passed under the bridge since then, and currently the relations between the two countries are rather strained -- and made worse by the U.S. wanting to build a fence between the two nations, while right-wingers want to adopt more anti-immigrant (especially anti-Mexican) policies. The U.S. has also helped turn Mexico into a virtual war zone with U.S. drug policies and easy access to weapons (many of which wind up south of the border).

Will the name change be adopted? That's a question no one can answer yet. The proposal has been made before, and failed. But with the current attitudes between the two countries, it might now pass. It will be interesting to see what happens.

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