Friday, November 23, 2012

Overweight America

Turkey day is over, and most of us ate far too much of everything yesterday. So I thought this would be a good time to show these charts. They are from the Gallup Poll, and show that Americans are convinced that they weigh more than they should (and they are probably right). Note that, as the top chart shows, only 46% of Americans said they were overweight, while 48% said they were about the right weight. That has changed radically in the last 20 years. Now 60% of the population says they are overweight, while only 34% say they are about the right weight.

But the second chart is even more interesting (and somewhat amusing as well). As the average weight of Americans has climbed since 1991, so has the weight they claim would be ideal. In 1991, the average American weighed 161 pounds, and they reported that the ideal weight would be 149 pounds (a difference of 12 pounds). By 2011, the average reported weight had climbed to 176 pounds, and the ideal weight reported by people had climbed also -- to 162 pounds (a difference of 14 pounds), very similar to the difference between average and ideal weight in 1991.

And this similar gain of both the average weight and ideal weight doesn't seem to be confined to just one sex. The same phenomenon is observed with both men and women. Is this a vanity thing? Are people willing to admit they are overweight, but not much over what they consider their ideal weight? Why otherwise would the ideal weight have climbed a similar amount as the average weight (in general terms)?

1 comment:

  1. I want to start out by saying that I am overweight. As such I know how hard it is to lose weight. Yesterday I was watching the marching bands in the Macy's parade and was noticing how heavy many of the band members were. these young people are not like the band members when I was growing up (I am 71) but are carrying around a lot of excess weight. It is a national problem that needs to be addressed. Unless good diet and exercise are a part of their lives when they are younger they will have the same problems I have when they are older. For the record I gained my weight when I quit smoking. I had to do it twice so I gained each time.


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