Saturday, November 24, 2012

The Real Job Creators (Are Not The Rich)

I have written many times on this blog that giving rich people and corporations big tax cuts will do nothing to create new jobs, and I will probably do so many more times -- at least until the government (especially the Republicans) come to their senses. If you really want to create more jobs, then more money must be put in the hands of the bottom 90% of Americans -- not the top 1%. The bottom 90% will spend that money and spur economic growth (and job creation). The top 1% to 10% will just put it in their bank account and let it sit there (since they already have more than enough money to buy whatever they want).

I recently ran across this graphic from News Corpse. It does a very good job of explaining this in simple terms (so simple that even a teabagger should be able to understand it -- but I doubt they'll even try):

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