Friday, September 06, 2013

Who's Going To Pay For The New War ?

Senator Bernie Sanders (I-Vermont) makes a very good point. When we invaded and occupied Afghanistan and Iraq, the Bush administration did nothing to make sure we could pay for those expensive misadventures. In fact, he cut taxes (especially on the rich). The combination of those cuts and the two unnecessary wars turned a budget surplus into a huge deficit -- and we are still trying to dig our way out of it. Are we going to make the same mistake again (only this time with a Democrat in the White House)? Even a brief and limited attack on Syria will cost millions of dollars -- and could well get into hundreds of millions of dollars. Who's going to pay?


  1. Bernie Sanders is quite possibly the best argument FOR cloning that there could ever be....

  2. The average American taxpayer will pay with their money and the Syrian people will pay with their lives.


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