Wednesday, March 26, 2014

A Humorous (?) Petition

(The image above is from the right-wing website

The White House has a website ( where any citizen can create a petition, and if that petition gets 100,000 signatures, the White House has promised to respond to the petition. It is an effort by the Obama administration to give citizens a voice in their government, and allow the White House to know what citizens think is important.

In the last few days a new petition has appeared on the website. It is a petition asking that Alaskans be allowed to vote on whether to secede from the United States and rejoin Russia. I don't know whether this petition is an inventive demonstration against Russia's seizure of Crimea, a misguided teabagger effort to embarrass the president, or just an example of an eccentric and slightly malevolent sense of humor. I suspect it is the latter.

And thousands of people are signing the petition. As I write this post, over 24,000 people have signed the petition. I assume that many Americans like this kind of off-the-wall humor, because Alaska (like the other 49 states) isn't going anywhere.

1 comment:

  1. it would make every Texan happy as shit..then we'd be the biggest state again..check the cities were the votes are their all from Texas..hell I'd sign it.


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