Saturday, August 02, 2014



  1. Would that be the same Hunter S. Thompson who wrote:

    ""I hate to advocate drugs, alcohol, violence, or insanity to anyone, but they've always worked for me."

    Yeeeeeees, quite!

  2. Thompson also said: “So we shall let the reader answer this question for himself: who is the happier man, he who has braved the storm of life and lived or he who has stayed securely on shore and merely existed?” I wonder how many commenters here have 'lived' or 'merely esixted'?

  3. I don't think imbibing drugs and alcohol, and advocating violence, and going insane, is a prerequisite for living! Not least because it tends to result in someone else's 'existence' coming to an early end. Is that what you advocate, Gra'ma?

  4. David -
    GB said nothing of the sort. That was your quote. And who's existence came to an early end because of Thompson? No one! Get off your high horse.

  5. The man was a stumbling, mumbling wreck who drove through a red light when pissed, shot his PA by accident, and blew his own brains out whilst his son was in the house paying him a visit and whilst he, Thompson, was on the 'phone to his wife.

    And, no, Ted, it wasn't Gra'ma's quote it was Thompsons! Hence my question as to whether anyone in their right mind would a) give this loon a second of their time and b) stay anywhere within firearms distance of him?

  6. I didn't expect you to appreciate Hunter Thompson, because he never supported your right-wing philosophy -- but he was a brilliant writer. I can only assume by your words that you are equally ready to condemn the right-wingers who openly carry guns, form themselves into anti-government militias, kill doctors who perform abortions, justify violent actions against the government and those who disagree with them, and defend the right of criminals and dangerous people to legally buy a firearm. Your right-wing brothers are far more dangerous than Thompson was (or other current left-wingers).

  7. I'm equally ready to condemn anyone who kills anyone else for no justified legal reason. Criminals have absolutely no problem buying guns irrespective of pointless laws which only ever stop lawful people from the means of defending themselves - see Chicago!

    And I have no views on Thompson as a writer but I suspect that given he was a drunken, drugged, psychiatric nut-job I somehow doubt that he had anything useful to say.

  8. So you are slamming a writer whose work you have never read?

  9. No, and please tell me what it is about the words "I have no views on Thompson as a writer" that you don't understand!

    I'm "slamming" a man who was, self-evidently, as crazy as a box of frogs!

  10. "Crazy as a box of frogs." OK. It was a crazy time that required a crazy response from those of us in the counter-culture (which Thompson was). There were many others that right-wingers thought were crazy (Abbie Hoffman, Jerry Rubin, Timothy Leary, Ken Kesey, etc.), and still do. I considered them heroes -- and it doesn't surprise me at all that the self-righteous right still doesn't understand (and probably never will). Millions did understand though, and it changed the world.


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