Monday, August 18, 2014

Support For Same-Sex Marriage Legalization Still Growing

These charts were constructed using information from a new Marist / McClatchy Poll. That survey was done between August 4th and 7th of a random national sample of 1,035 adults, and has a 3 point margin of error.

The top chart shows the responses to the question of legalizing same-sex marriages that Marist has received since 1996. Note how recently it has been that Americans have changed their minds on this subject. The Marist Poll didn't show more in support than opposed until 2011 -- and those supporting same-sex marriage legalization didn't reach majority status until late in 2012. Since that time, the support has continued to grow -- and it now rests at 54% of the population while about 39% opposes.

The second chart shows the demographic breakdown of support and opposition to same-sex marriage today. Note that only two groups show more opposition than support -- Republicans and those over age 60. Married people are split on the issue, with 47% supporting and 44% opposing (which is within the survey's 3 point margin of error). All other groups show significant support for same-sex marriage legalization -- with you people (between 18 and 29) showing the strongest support at 75% supporting and only 18% opposing.

This strong support by youth means the percentage will continue to rise as they replace older Americans. It's time for the Supreme Court to uphold the Constitution and strike down the remaining state laws banning same-sex marriage. That would not only be fulfilling the guarantee of equality, but would satisy the growing desires of a majority of Americans.


  1. Amazing.

    Really. When I was young, I never imagined that LGBTs like me would be THE civil rights movement of my lifetime.

    I know it's happening quickly, although never quickly enough.

    These polls are great!

    1. I agree. It's been an amazingly fast transformation for the general public in this country. There were two things that, at my age, I never thought I'd live to see -- a black president and acceptance of the LGBT community by the public. Now one has happened and we are on the verge of seeing the second happen.


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