Thursday, September 13, 2018

Generic Ballot Lead Is Still Large For Democrats

It's looking more and more like the "blue wave" is real. Two new polls show Democrats with a large double-digit lead on the generic ballot. The Quinnipiac Poll gives Democrats a 14 point advantage (52% to 38%), and the NPR/Marist Poll gives them a 12 point lead (50% to 38%).

If Democrats (and Independents) turn their wishes into vote and show up at the polls, the House (and maybe even the Senate) will be flipped to Democratic control.

The Quinnipiac University Poll was done between September 6th and 9th of a national sample of 1,038 voters, with a 3.7 point margin of error.

The NPR / Marist Poll was done between September 5th and 9th of a national sample of 949 adults, with a 3.6 point margin of error.

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