Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Trump Wimps Out - Cancels His Visit To Ireland

Ireland and the United States have always been close. That's not surprising, since millions of Americans can trace their heritage back to the Emerald Isle. But there are limits to that friendship, and that limit was reached for the Irish when they learned Donald Trump was planning to visit their country.

Trump is planning to visit France for Armistice Day (November 11th), and the White House had announced that Trump would stop in Ireland either before or after the French visit. He was going to talk with the Irish leader and then go to the gold course he owns in that country.

Upon learning of Trump's impending visit, the Irish began planning demonstrations to show him their dislike. And since the Irish are not known for hiding their feelings, I think their demonstrations would have made those in London look rather tame. If Trump was upset because the English demonstrations made him feel unwelcome, he would have stroked out over his Irish "welcome".

It looks like Trump heard about what the Irish citizens were planning, because he has now cancelled the visit to Ireland. He will still be going to France, but will not now be stopping in Ireland. To be blunt -- the Orange Coward wimped out.

Erin go Bragh!

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