Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Trump's Job Approval Drops In Two New Polls (Back In 30's)

The CNN / SSRS Poll was done between September 6th and 9th of a national sample of 1,003 adults, with a 3.8 point margin of error.

The Quinnipiac University Poll was done between September 6th and 9th of a national sample of 1,038 voters, with a 3.7 point margin of error.

Both of these new polls show Donald Trump's job approval has gone down. The CNN poll has it at 36% approval and 58% disapproval -- a negative gap of 22 points. The Quinnipiac poll has it at 38% approval and 54% disapproval -- a negative gap of 16 points.

That's not good for Republicans in the coming election. Regardless of what some want to think, this election is a referendum on the Trump presidency, and as his popularity sinks, so do the hopes of Republicans to retain control of Congress.

Both polls also asked respondents if Trump was honest and trustworthy. Adults in the CNN poll said he was not honest by a 33 point margin. Voters in the Quinnipiac poll said he was not honest by a 28 point margin.

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