Monday, January 21, 2019

Public Disagrees With Trump On Most Issues

The chart above uses information contained in a recent Economist / YouGov Poll -- done between January 12th and 15th of a national sample of 1,500 adults, with a 3 point margin of error.

Poll after poll has shown that Donald Trump is not liked by the public, and they do not approve of the job he is doing. But it's even worse for him -- the public disapproves of how Trump is handling most of the issues facing the country.

The issue Trump does the best on is his handling of the economy. About 44% approve of it and 42% disapprove. That's within the poll's margin of error, and recent actions by Trump show he may well be damaging the public's faith in his handling of the economy. A ballooning deficit (and national debt), coupled with his tariff/trade war, had many economists predicting a weakening economy.

Now his government shutdown could make that worse. White House economic advisors have admitted that for every week the government is shutdown, the economy will suffer a 0.1% loss in GDP growth. With the economy already predicted to slow to about 2.2% growth, there's not a lot of room to give. Economic growth could fall below 2%, and maybe into negative growth for the quarter.

His base may like the shutdown, the tariffs, and the tax cut (which caused the ballooning deficit), but other Americans won't -- especially if it leads to an economic slowdown (or even a recession).

The other two areas where Trump almost holds his own are with terrorism and veterans issues. He is only one point down on both (which is within the poll's margin of error).

On all 14 other issues, disapprove of his handling of them is significantly higher that approval.

The voting public doesn't like Trump, doesn't think he's doing a good job, and disagrees with him on almost every issue. If he doesn't change that, 2020 will be an electoral disaster for him.

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