Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Public Supports The Ideas Of The Democratic Candidates

The chart above reflects the results of the latest NPR / PBS NewsHour / Marist Poll -- done between December 9th and 11th of a national sample of 1,744 adults (1,508 of them registered voters), with a 3.5 point margin of error.

The chart above presents 12 ideas that have been put forward by Democratic candidates, and are supported by most Democrats. Note that the 10  have 52% or more support among the public.

Overall, this is good for Democrats (and bad for Republicans since they oppose most of these ideas). The public likes the Democratic agenda.

Democrats need to be careful about the health insurance issue though. Some want to campaign on Medicare-for-All. But instituting that program and abolishing private insurance does not have the support of the public -- with only 42% supporting and 51% opposing. A Public Option (like letting people buy into Medicare and covering the poor with it) is much more popular -- with 58% supporting and only 35% opposing.

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