Monday, February 15, 2021

Public Strongly Supports President Biden's Stimulus Bill

 The charts above reflect the results of the Economist / YouGov Poll -- done between February 6th and 9th of a national sample of 1,500 adults (including 1,306 registered voters). The margin of error for adults is 3 points, and for registered voters is 3.1 points.

President Biden has proposed a huge $1.9 trillion stimulus bill to help Americans get through the pandemic and to end it. Republicans are whining that the bill is too large. They want to negotiate the bill down to a much smaller amount (even though most economists say the larger amount is what's needed).

But those Republicans are once again on the wrong side of the issue. As the charts show, the American public strongly backs all the major elements of President Biden's bill.

About 79% support the $1400 payments to those making under $75,000, 57% support raising the minimum wage to $15 an hour, 79% support the $160 billion vaccine program, 70% supports the $400 additional unemployment benefit, 68% supports the funding for state and local governments, 75% supports extending the eviction ban through September, and 60% supports cancelling $10,000 of student debt for borrowers.

Those are not small numbers, and if the GOP continues to try and block the bill, they will be facing an angry public.

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