Tuesday, August 03, 2021

GOP Votes Against Benefits Helping Rural Voters The Most

Democrats have passed some of the things that help rural voters -- things like Social Security, Medicare,  Medicaid, and the minimum wage. But those rural voters remain the group that's the most consistent voters for the Republican Party.

Now there is a new benefit that helps families -- the Child Tax Credit (CTC). Republicans voted against this new credit, claiming it was mostly a giveaway to urban dwellers.  But that is not true. As the chart shows, as a share of regional GNP, the CTC actually benefits rural voters more than urban voters. And the same is true when you consider the benefit per capita.

The Republicans are also very likely to vote against extending the CTC (even though it helps their voters the most). Will rural voters wake up and realize that voting for Republicans is actually voting against their own interests?

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