Thursday, May 25, 2023

The Debt Ceiling Crisis Is A Pathetic Political Pantomime

 The following post is by Dan Rather and Elliot Kirschner:

What is happening in Washington is bananas.

Of course we could use much more colorful, or dignified, language.


Many in the press are framing the dynamic between the White House and House Speaker Kevin McCarthy over the looming possibility of a United States debt default as a “negotiation.” That’s like “negotiating” with your teenager over their desire to take the family car for an inebriated joy ride with friends on a Friday night. 

Unfortunately, in this case the kids already have the keys and are at the demolition derby. They’re making it very clear that they’re more than happy to wreck everything unless you relinquish all your parental instincts.


This metaphor is already too stretched. But trying to make sense of what we’re witnessing requires defying most logic and language.


This is a hostage situation.


This is a reckless cabal that ran up the bill and now refuses to pay it. 

This is a sign of just how broken our politics are.

The world looks on with disbelief. 

Perhaps there would be a grim humor to the rampant absurdity if we weren’t dealing with a ticking time bomb that has the potential to blow up the American and global economies.


Apparently it is easy to ignore the chaos when you are immersed in alternative fantasies. Fox News talking points won’t pay the creditors. Unhinged conspiracy theories will provide no respite from the ultimate effects of that pesky concept called reality.


We all know that you make the best decisions when you’re plummeting toward an abyss, right? This shameless crowd weaponizes their blatant hypocrisy. 

It’s fine to explode the debt when a Republican is in the White House and then stick the Democrats with the burden of galloping to the cliff's edge. Responsibility is for suckers.


It is true that our system of government was built on debate, compromise, and deliberation. But that is not what this is; this is a shakedown. This is using an existential threat to wrest concessions that would never occur in a proper legislative process.


Perhaps a deal will emerge that is not horrible. Perhaps it will pave the way for smoother running for the remainder of this Congress. Perhaps we will avoid the potentially catastrophic outcomes.


We certainly can hope for that. But let’s be clear before we get to the end game: This never should have happened. And the process is rotten no matter what transpires.


This pathetic political pantomime is beneath us as a nation. It is as embarrassing as it is dangerous.


Hopefully we’ll get some last-hour resolution and pull back from the brink. If not, the price figures to be exceptionally heavy.

Either way, can we — will we — resolve never to let this happen again?

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