Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Political Disagreements Should Not Make Us Enemies

Democracy is the best form of government. But it is also the messiest form of government. That's because it has as a requirement the concept of free speech. Proponents on the left and the right (and all points in between) have the right to speak and pursue their own concept of government and the issues that government should pursue.

This has actually worked very well in the United States. While the government has swung back and forth between the left and right, for the most part it has been pretty moderate. The different factions have debated and ultimately compromised for the good of the country. And while progress has been too slow for some, the country has made progress in extending rights and making life better for citizens.

But a sad thing is happening in our politics. Lately, many on the far right (led by Donald Trump) have begun to label their political opponents as enemies, and threatened to use government's power to punish them for their political beliefs. And sadly, some on the left have retaliated and are considering right-wingers as enemies.

Both sides are wrong. Political beliefs are not right or wrong, as arguments can be made for both sides. Political disagreements are necessary. They are the life blood of democracy. And those who disagree with your beliefs are not your enemy -- and they don't deserve any punishment for having those beliefs.

I believe most Americans would be better off if the government enacted liberal policies. Those on the right think conservative policies would be best. That does not make us enemies -- just patriotic Americans with a different view.

We need to relearn the art of debate and compromise. It has worked well for the country in the past. Demonizing political opponents as the enemy is dangerous to democracy, and just sets us on the road to tyranny. None of us should want that.

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