Sunday, June 09, 2024

Refusing To Vote Is Just A Vote For Trump

In the last few months, there have been demonstrations on many college campuses across the country. The participants were mainly young progressives that were unhappy with what is going on in Gaza. To them, it looks more like Netanyahu is waging war on innocent civilians in Gaza rather than taking action to defend themselves from terrorism.

I agree. While Israel has the right to exist and protect themselves from terrorism, the indiscriminate bombing of densely pack areas is a bad way to do it. They claim they are trying to destroy Hamas, but the way they are conducting the war will most likely just create new terrorists.

These young people want President Biden to take stronger action to stop the Israeli actions. I understand that, but I don't understand something they are threatening to do this November. Many of them are threatening to not vote.

They believe that withholding their votes will punish President Biden. They may be right, but it also could easily punish the entire nation by letting Trump get elected. And it would also punish the innocent citizens of Gaza (who they are trying to help).

If Trump gets back in the White House, he will go all-in to support Netanyahu. There will be no U.S. action to slow or stop the Israeli attacks, and there will be less aid for the people of Gaza. It would be a disaster for Gaza!

The winner of the election in November will be either Biden or Trump. Pinning any hope on a third party candidate is just a ludicrous dream. Trump would be disastrous not only for Gaza, but also for the United States and its democracy. Preventing Trump from winning is of primary importance - and it will take every vote that can be mustered to get it done.

Young progressives we're important in defeating Trump in 2020, and they are needed to defeat him in 2024. They should;d not throw away this power on a gesture that could only make things worse. 

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