Thursday, September 03, 2020

Voters Prefer Biden - See Him As More Moderate Than Trump

The charts above reflect the results of the new Economist / YouGov Poll -- done between August 30th and September 1st of a national sample of 1,209 registered voters, with a 3.6 point margin of error.

The poll show Joe Biden with an 11 point lead over Donald Trump. That's the largest lead this poll has recorded for the upcoming November election.

The two other charts give us a clue as to why this is true. They asked the respondents whether they considered Joe Biden and Donald Trump to have extreme political views. By a 9 point margin, those voters said Biden did not have extreme views. Most considered him to be a moderate. But it was different for Trump. By a 21 point margin, voters said Trump did have extreme political views.

This is good for the Biden/Harris ticket. The election will be decided by Independents, and most of them are moderates. Most American voters do not want extreme candidates. They tend to vote for the more moderate candidate. Even though voters do believe some change is needed, they want the change to be done in moderate steps.

That won't make those on the far right or left happy, but it has been true in the past, and I believe it still is true.

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