Friday, May 24, 2024

Too Many Americans Don't Understand Economics

The chart above is from a Harris Poll done for The Guardian. It was done between May 10th and 12th of a nationwide sample of 2,119 U.S. adults. 

Sadly, it shows that a huge segment of the U.S. population doesn't seem to understand economics (and that misunderstanding crosses party lines). About 67% of Republicans, 53% of Independents, and 49% of Democrats say the United States is currently in the middle of a recession. IT IS NOT!

Just the opposite is happening - the economy is booming!

I understand that too many Americans are being squeezed by high prices and low wages. But your inability to keep up with the rising prices doesn't mean the country is in a recession. It means you wages are too low thanks to an unfair economy instituted and maintained by Republican officials.

Republican economic policy allows the rich to hog most of the rising productivity and corporations to price-gouge consumers. 

Don't blame President Biden and Democrats. They tried to raise the minimum wage, make it easier to unionize, help with childcare, and reduce poverty - but all those initiatives were killed by Republicans (who only want to keep funneling more money to the rich).

The country is not in a recession and inflation is coming down. But neither helps in an unfair economy. The economy needs to be fixed to benefit all Americans instead of just the rich. But that won't happen as long as Republicans have enough power to block all changes.

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